Every year, Barton Community College benefits from the generosity of hundreds of people. Their reasons for giving vary as widely as their interests and their financial circumstances. What they all have in common is the desire to help make a good college even better, to help it better serve Kansas. Donate to Barton on line, or contact the foundation at (620) 786-1136 or foundation@bartonccc.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
Most people are used to making donations from current income. A planned gift, however, is a gift of assets or capital accumulated over a period of time. A planned gift can either be immediate or deferred, and revocable or irrevocable.
Outright gifts funded by appreciated securities or other appreciated assets, life income and /or trust agreements that name Barton Community College Foundation as a beneficiary, gifts of life insurance, and gifts of real estate with the donor retaining its use during their lifetime.
Specific tax benefits vary from gift to gift. Generally, however, you should qualify for a charitable income tax deduction in the year you make a qualified gift. In addition, if the gift is of appreciated property, you can avoid or reduce capital gains taxes. If the gift is properly structured, it may also reduce or eliminate estate tax liability at your death.
We strongly recommend that all donors have well-written wills. In some cases, a will can meet all your gift planning needs, especially if you want to leave a bequest to the Barton Community College Foundation. For planned or deferred gifts that you want to make during your lifetime, you may wish to use some form of trust agreement. We strongly advise you to consult your legal or financial advisors before taking any action.
Yes. In general, to maximize your income and estate tax savings, your gift must be irrevocable, meaning you cannot take it back once you have made the gift. However, it is your right as a donor to specify in your gift plan how you want the gift to benefit Barton Community College via the foundation. For example, you may want to help a specific program or department, establish an endowed "forever" scholarship, build a new facility or purchase equipment. The choice is yours. You may also leave that choice to the discretion of Barton Community College Foundation.
We believe that Barton is especially worthy of consideration by those who are concerned about economic development in their community and in the state of Kansas. Barton Community College plans a major role in workforce education and training. Donors to the college foundation also share an abiding belief that a well-trained workforce leads to economic development.
We are happy to help. Barton Community College Foundation and its professional development staff are here to help you in gift and estate planning. We can work with your current financial and legal advisors, or we can help you select advisors if necessary. Either way, we can make sure that your planned gift produces maximum benefits for you and for Barton Community College.