You can make a substantial gift to Barton Community College Foundation while still earning income from the donated assets. These life income plans are some of the most flexible and fruitful options available to donors. They allow you to provide income for yourself, your heirs, or both; avoid significant capital gains and taxes; and satisfy your wish to make a substantial gift to Barton. The Foundation office can assist you in creating this type of gift.
You may establish your gift using assets such as real estate, stock, or cash. Funding it with appreciated long-term property enables you to protect your profit or reinvest for a higher yield, while avoiding capital gains taxes. You thereby maximize the value and the benefit of the property, both as income and as a gift.
There are three basic types of life income gifts: charitable gift annuities, annuity trusts and unitrusts. The annuities pay a fixed dollar amount, while the unitrust pays a fixed percentage. With the annuities, your income will be the same each year. With the unitrust, your income will go up or down as the value of the trust itself fluctuates.